Yesterday and today have been bright and sunny here in the desert,
the light is piercing and hot, it covers this land and
intensifies all things of color...
I was particularly busy making a bright and pretty old fashioned yellow apron,
it turned out so well, I really am thinking of keeping it for myself,
but in the end I always get much more pleasure in
sending my hand made goods
off to the most lovely and appreciative ladies...
Speaking of which I have been riding a wave of happiness and glowing
with pride about the first two sales over in my etsy shop,
I have sold the hand embroidered tree & a little red felt pouch,
(thank you Sara & Mary Ann), the two sales have renewed my
resolve and I am more dedicated than aver to my craft these days,
I feel as though I can barely contain my inspiration and have
multiple projects in the works as we speak,
and so many i my head and in sketchbooks,
i definitely need more hours in a day.
I hope to be able to purchase a camera soon,
which will allow me to capture all of these
projects in their various stages for you to spy...
I seem to be able to fully finish 2 small projects everyday,
on my best days, that's when everything is running smoothly
and everyone is cooperating well, we love those types of days!!!
There are so many materials that I have been collecting
that are calling my hands to create with,
in the days to come look out for lace, muslin, polymer clay
and maybe some beads and findings....
Thank You for taking a moment to spend with me
here in my little Sakura Art Studio..
I would love to hear from you,
so feel free to post a comment, email or convo me.
I am looking forward to sharing some more of my
thoughts and hand made goodies,
with you so stay tuned...
Peace. Hope. serenity.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
New Piece: The Proud Mother Bird
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Morning with the trees
The trees are
A peaceful awakeness
I feel their presence
On my morning walk
The ants scramble
Knowing not
Nor caring
About time
Only that they may work today
Right now
A big black beetle
And the trees although
Separated by building
And concrete
Are in a proud silence
They have their comfort
In being alive
for the sun water
And their business
With the creatures who dwell
And spread their seed
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Hi there!
Hope you all are having a wonderful spring weekend.
I have been rather busy for the past few days,
working on some of the items I will be listing in my etsy shop on Wednesday,
I've some sketches ready to be turned into paintings
(I will be featured in a Painting showcase on June 1st)
Sewing; applique work for the finishing touches of a felted wallet,
a new little mushroom plushie pincushion, and a few other sweet handmade things.
But I am really excited about the Spa sets I just listed;
I have been using this exact blend for my personal pampering ritual for years,
I began studying and working with herbs and aromatherapy in my late teens,
It has always been a lifelong passion for me and I am thrilled to be able to share
this special set that I have hand blended with you.
On the listing itself, I couldn't add the full Botanical Profiles
for each of the natural ingredients, that are used in this blend.
So I in addition to printing them out with each kit,
will list it here for reference.
What Follows are the Profiles for Each Pure Ingredients
Found in our Bliss Blend Soothing Calmifying Herbal Spa Kit:
~*~ Ylang ylang ~*~
Scientific Name: Cananga odorata
Description:This extremely fragrant essential oil has a calming effect on the mind and body and is used in cases of frigidity and impotence. It has a wonderfully balancing and stimulating effect on the skin, to correct sebum production and is also used to stimulate hair growth.
Oil propertiesIt has an exotic, sweet smell and is slightly yellow in color.
ExtractionYlang-ylang oil is extracted from the freshly picked flowers by water or steam distillation. The first distillation is called Ylang-ylang extra, which is the top grade. An absolute and concrete are also produced by solvent extraction.
Active Compounds:The main chemical components are linalool, geranyl acetate, caryophyllene, p-cresyl methyl ether, methyl benzoate, benzyl acetate, benzyl benzoate and other sesquiterpenes.
There are different 'pressings' of ylang-ylang oil - with them being called 'extra' and then 1st, 2nd and 3rd pressing. The extra is the very first pressing and contains the highest amounts of esters and therefore has the sweetest odor, while the later pressings have a less-sweet odor.
The 'extra' is not used in aromatherapy, but used in the perfume industry and to have a 'complete' essential oil for aromatherapy, the 'extra' is combined with the 1st and 2nd pressings to form the complete ylang-ylang essential oil.The ylang-ylang oil supplied by us is the best quality 'complete' oil that can be purchased.
Background:It is a tall tropical tree about 20 meters (60 feet) high with large, tender, fragrant pink, mauve or yellow flowers and is cultivated in Java, Sumatra, Reunion, Madagascar and the Comores. The name means 'flower of flowers'.In Indonesia, the flower petals are strewn upon the bed on wedding nights.
Therapeutic properties:The therapeutic properties of ylang-ylang oil are antidepressant, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, hypotensive, nervine and sedative.
Ylang-ylang oil has a euphoric and sedative effect on the nervous system and helps with anxiety, tension, shock, fear and panic while the aphrodisiac qualities is useful for impotence and frigidity.
It is particularly useful with rapid breathing and rapid heartbeat, it can also help with reducing high blood pressure and useful for intestinal infections.
- On the skin, ylang-ylang oil has a soothing effect and its balancing action sorts out over-dry as well as overly-oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum, and has a stimulating effect on the scalp which promotes more luxurious hair growth.
- Burners and vaporizersIn vapor therapy ylang-ylang oil can be helpful with anxiety, tension, shock, fear, panic, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, aphrodisiac, physical exhaustion, frigidity, impotence, insomnia, depression and stress.
- -Blended massage oil or in the bath,As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath ylang-ylang will assist with physical exhaustion, insomnia, frigidity, impotence, depression, anxiety, nervous tension and stress while having a calming and aphrodisiac effect.
- - -Cream or lotion In a cream or lotion it is used to balance the production of sebum in the skin and thereby correcting and balancing overly-dry as well as overly-oily skin.
Summary:Ylang-ylang oil assist with problems such as high blood pressure, rapid breathing and heartbeat
Safety:It is classed as a non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil, excessive use of it can lead to headaches and nausea.
Scientific Name: Lavandula officinalisLabiatae
AKA: Lavendar
Parts Used:flowers, essential oilActive Compounds: flavonoids, coumarins, tannins, volatile oil
Background:Lavender is a key component of many products you see on the market today. Usually they are products designed to relax the body and aid sleep, such as bubble bath, lotion, and pillow spray.
While lavender does help to sooth the body and mind, it also has other uses that make it an important medicinal herb. Lavender is an antiseptic and has some antibiotic properties. It's useful for treating skin conditions and can help to relieve indigestion.
Lavender is primarily used to soothe the body and relax the mind.
- Relaxation: Lavender may be used to help ease mental stress and aid in sleep.
- -Indigestion: Lavender may help to relieve problems with indigestion such as bloating and gas.
- - -Skin: Lavender oil is useful in treating minor burns and skin irritations. It also helps to sooth stings from insects.
- - - Asthma: Because of its ability to relax the body and mind, lavender can be useful in helping calm someone to prevent or treat asthma attacks.
- - - Muscles: Lavender can help to relieve muscle tension.
- - - Depression: Lavender can help to reduce minor depression.
Description: Lavender is a flowering herb that is native to France. It is now grown all over the world. The flowers are harvested during the summer for use as a dried herb or essential oil
Dosage: Essential oil can be applied to skin problems and insect bites.
As a massage oil, add 20 drops lavender essential oil to 20 ml carrier oil.
Safety: Do not take lavender essential oil internally. Consult your health care provider before beginning use of any herb.
Scientific Name: Anthemis nobilis, Matricaria chamomilla, Anthemis cotula - Compositae Family
AKA: Camomile, Common Chamomile, Chamaemelum nobile, Wild Chamomile, Dog-Fennel, Maruta Cotula, Manzanilla (Spanish), Maythen (Saxon), Mayweed, Dog Chamomile, Maruta Foetida, German Chamomile, Chammoniles, Stinking Chamomile
Parts Used: Capitula – flower headsActive Compounds: Volatile oil, anthemic acid (bitter), tannic acid, and a glucoside. Studies have found Chamomile to increase sleep. The monoterpenes also help with coughs.
Background:One of the most loved and most used herbs throughout history is the Chamomile flower. Its name comes from the Greek “kamai melon” meaning “ground apple” due to its apple-like fragrance. Beatrix Potter in 1902 wrote of a healing Chamomile tea given to the feverish Peter Rabbit by his mother. Early Egyptians revered the herb for its effectiveness in curing the chills caused by malaria, or agues.
Greek physician Dioscorides (first century A.D.) and Roman naturalist Pliny (23 AD) both advocated Chamomile baths and warm poultices for relief of liver, bladder and kidney disorders as well as headaches. Chamomiles were also used to refresh the air in a time when bathing was infrequent at best. Stems were strewn on the floor where they would release a pleasant fragrance when stepped on. The yellow Chamomile flower has been used to flavor Manzanilla sherry in Spain, highlight blonde hair color, and repel insects.
Many different types of Chamomile grow throughout Europe, Southern Asia and North Africa, but two varieties are most sought after for their gentle healing and calming properties: German Chamomile, and Roman or Common Chamomile.
Antibiotic: Used to treat many minor illnesses and reduce fevers. Tincture is used to treat diarrhea in children. Chamomile’s effectiveness against infection is reported to be 120 times more powerful than salt water.
Eternally used to reduce swelling and inflammatory discomfort, congested neuralgia, or facial swelling caused by abscesses.
Reduces indigestion and menstrual cramps. Also used to induce menstruation.
Other uses:
Sedative, calms nerves, prevents nightmares, stimulates appetite and digestion, eases gout and headache, diuretic, eases delirium
Description: Common or Roman Chamomile, first known as Anthemis nobilis and now called Chamaemelum nobile, is a cultivated perennial growing up to 9 inches in height. Historically used as a ground cover on walkways, stepping on the plant helps propagate it. German or Wild Chamomile, Matricaria recutitia is a 2 to 3 foot tall annual, and is not as fragrant as its Roman cousin.
Both plants have daisy shaped blossoms, gray-green feathery leaves covered with down, and a flavor and scent reminiscent of apples. Roman Chamomile bears twin blossoms and prefers dry, sandy soil. The German variety thrives in rich, moist loam and produces single flowers, considered more potent than their twin cousin. Both strains of Chamomile bloom from late spring through late summer. To harvest Chamomile for teas, cut and dry the flowers when the petals shrink from the flower center.
Poultice: Place Chamomile flower heads in a cloth bag and soak thoroughly in boiling water. Use to reduce swelling of inflamed tissues. (bath bag works in the same manner)
~*~ Triple Milled White Kaolin Clay ~*~
Scientific Name: Kaolinite, silicate of aluminum
Common Names: Kaolin, china clay, kaolin clay
Active Compounds: Kaolinite s ilica, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, minerals.
Background: From Gaolin in the Jiangzi province of China a consistent source of this mineral clay was mined, and so the name kaolin was derived. Kaolinite was first described as a mineral species in the mid 1800s. It is widely used in a variety of processes and added to everyday items. You will find kaolinite in ceramics, in medicines, in cosmetics, as a food additive, in toothpastes, as a diffusing coating of glass items- including lightbulbs. Used in papermaking, Kaolin clay is added to paper pulp and surface coatings where it improves body, color, opacity, and printability. Kaolin is an important ingredient in inks, organic plastics, some cosmetics, and many other products where its very fine particle size, whiteness, chemical inertness, and absorption properties give it particular value. It is the requiste ingredient in porcelain.
It has long been used in natural, organic farming to prevent certain pests from feeding on crops.
Assisting with their digestion and providing much needed minerals, it is sought out by certain parrots of tropical South America, who include it as a part of their regular diet.
Kaolin has been mined in France, England, Germany, the Czech Republic, and in the United States, where the most well known deposits reside in southeastern states. Kaolin is one of Georgia's largest natural resources, with 8 million metric tons mined there every year.
This white powder is insoluble and has excellent absorbent qualities. These qualities in the clay draw out impurities and toxins, thereby clearing the skin of excess oil, impurities, pollutants and other undesired residues.
Applications: A Kaolin clay facial masque will cleanse skin and provide minerals that revitalize cells. Kaolin clay draws out excess oil and pore clogging impurities, leaving skin smooth and soft.
Clay facial masques, poultices, and baths remove toxins directly through the skin (the largest organ of elimination of the human body.) Using glass, pottery or wooden container, (do not use metals) combine bentonite with sufficient liquid to make a paste. Let it sit 2 or 3 minutes. Using fingertips or a wooden or rubber spatula, spread a consistent layer to cover the skin fully (for the purpose of a masque, avoid getting clay in mouth, eyes, ears, nose.) Sit, or lay down, and just relax, clear the mind if possible. Allow the clay to dry. (5 min. for sensitive skin and 10 minutes for normal skin.) As it tightens, it is working and removing impurities. Wash thoroughly and gently to remove the masque. Follow with a natural toner and moisturizer.
Description: A white, porous clay in powder form. Kaolinite is a layered silocate made of alternating sheets of octahedrally coordinated aluminum and tetrahedrally coordinated silicon that are bonded by hydroxyl groups. Kaolinite is represented by the chemical formula Al2Si2O5(OH)4, and it most often occurs as clay-sized, platelike, hexagonally shaped crystals.
Dosage: Experiment with your clay and ingredient combinations to achieve your desired results.
A suggested use: As a masque and skin-pack, can be used topically once or twice a week to begin, then regularly once every 2 to 3 weeks.
Safety:There is no known negative safety issues.
Bliss Blend Soothing Calmifying Herbal Spa Set
Ylang ylang
Egyptian Chamomile
Triple Milled White Kaolin Clay
Bliss Blend Herbal Bath Sachet*Contains:
Equal Parts Cosmetic and Medicinal GradeLavender & Chamomile
Triple Milled White Kaolin Clay
Calmifying Essential Oil Blend*Contains:
Ylang ylang & Lavender premium grade essential oils
Rejuvenating, Restorative Mask*
Triple Milled White Kaolin Clay
100% Pure Natural Ingredients
Absolutely NO Additives or Chemicals of Any
100% Cruelty Free - Never Tested on Anima
Bliss Blend Soothing Calmifying Herbal Spa Kit
Herbal Bath Home Spa Set
Two (2) - Custom Blended Bliss Blend* Muslin Bath Bags 6 x 8" Cotton - reusable
Generously Filled with - 6oz. of Bliss Herbal Blend in each bag.
One (1) - One Oz. Ounce of Calmifying Essential Oil Blend*
Two (2) - Glass Droppers
Two (2) - Oz. Ounces of the Triple Milled White Kaolin Clay -
enough for 2-3 Rejuvenating, Restorative Masks
*Please Allow 2-4 Days for shipment*
This Wonderful set contains everything you need for several baths & Facial Masks.
I have provided enough of the Calmifying Essential Oil Blend* to use as a wonderful aromatherapy oil, some suggestions for its other uses:
*Use 10-15 drops in a small spray bottle, add distilled water, shake and mist EVERYWHERE!*Use as a body spray, on your linens, in your car, etc..*Use in a clay or any diffuser, for room disbursement
*Put a few drops on your favorite delicate-vintage handkerchief, and tuck into your bra strap for a sensual scenting experience
*Place two drops on a cotton ball and place in drawers and closets for great smelling clothes.
I custom order every kit/set as I recieve orders for them, to ensure the highest quality and freshness available form my grower.
You may view this active listing for this wonderful kit by the following link:
Bliss Blend Soothing Calmifying Herbal Spa Set
Any Questions? Comments?
I'd LOVE to hear from you. :)
Hope your Weekend is full of Bliss of your own!
georgia sakura
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Little Mushrooms Series

You could win this Really Cute Limited Edition
Little Mushrooms Embellished Grosgrain Ribbon
I will take the names of those of you who leave a comment on this thread,
write them on a smallish pieces of paper, and add it to my favorite hat.
On Wed. Jun 4th , I will randomly draw one lucky winner!
The winner will receive a Sweet Little Sakura Gift Pack,
including: this Little Mushroom Ribbon, a Sakura Fabric Magnet,
A Fair Trade Pack(Fair Trade Magnet, Fair Trade Button, Info Sheet &
Gift Coupon for Free Shipping at Hand Made * Fair Trade)
All wrapped up with extra special surprises....Good Luck!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Rain Drops & Memories
Which is so very rare.
Sonoran Desert rare.
I rejoiced with every drop and cloud.
I took the long way home and watched the fluffy grey clouds cling to the tops of the McDowell Mountain tops, and let the rain blow into the car, windows down and played very loud classical music...I felt as though I was flying the wind gusts were so strong.
It reminded me of a time, some 12 years ago when we were on an extended road trip - we had donated and stored all we had that wouldn't fit into our truck and set off to find ourselves,
many nights of coffee shops and days of walking through forests where big clusters of mushrooms and wild raspberries grew, we found ourselves in a place called Forest Hills, where we stayed and found a job tending to a ranch. We had to drive a good stretch of road into town, I would drive windows down and listen to the original gospel recordings of Aretha Franklin very loud.
After such a drive I penned this poem:
And mingles among the pine
And oak
Deep valleys with water trickling
Into little creeks like the earths veins
Here there grow mushrooms
Found in patches under damp leaves
Trees flocked with green moss
Covering limbs
Of the twisted reaching oak
The clouds thick only letting
The sun in enough to
Make all the land grow
In its warmth for a time
Rain comes down
A shower
Baptizes the land
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The imperfect - perfect strokes of nature
Old tree bark
Slowly layered
With time
And subtle color
I look at my skin
Soft and damageable
Pale supple
So delicate
My seedling frame
Seems to sway with
Any slighted wave
Of air
I crave sun and rain
Needing to put down my roots
They are slowly moving down
Earth is comforting
While birds court and nest in my