Balancing Motherhood & Etsy
Original Artwork by: georgia sakura
I have pondered just how many of these beautifully curated etsy shops, have a small little people crew behind their pretty banner, and as it turns out quite a few...many of the great items you often see here are being cultivated in a garden full of love and hard work with plenty of little feet running about, with devoted etsy moms balancing it all very well, benefiting the world with not only their wonderful creations but with the upbringing of the next generation of artists and entrepreneurs.
Having children changed their craft..for the better
"These boys are my inspiration for so many things I create. And without them, I wouldn't have the drive to create without looking back. Before I had the boys, and didn't have to provide for them, I would illustrate, create, all of it, but I wouldn't always finish every project.I'd let it sit for months(or years) and it didn't really bother me. Now I absolutely have to finish each project, because our financial well being depends entirely on it."~The Mayberry Sparrow
No matter what your situation, whether you are a full time stay at home momma with a supportive spouse or a single momma who is working hard to make ends meet. Having the ability to combine the two biggest loves of our lives at once is a real gift.The extra income from selling on Etsy has allowed many of us to contribute to our families needs and in some cases is the main source of income, which equates to serious business, So while it is a pleasure to have the little ones always with us while we work, Its not without its challenges,"It is difficult to manage it all, but my daughter's activities always come first. It is amazing how busy their little lives become when they turn 5."~Rural Abandon
Rural Abandon's Studio RuralAbandon
"Finding a balance is challenging..the balance between being a devoted, caring mother and fulfilling enough of my own personal needs to be a happy woman, independent from my role as a mother. That, and finding time to sleep.On some days you feel like you’re pulled in so many different directions that you’re not doing anything very well. But I find that this challenges me to find creative ways to keep the kids occupied – in a good way!"~Pink Posies
While a majority of our work tends to be done while they are asleep at night, It is possible to work along with them successfully. Setting up a designated area for them to safely create away from your business helps.
Anniepoo Soaps'Studio Anniepoo
Anniepoo Soaps has a little team of helpers;"They each have jobs...Bella helps cut up the soap, AnnieClaire is my mixer and Lilly...well...she thinks she's helping :)We usually create everything in the kitchen and they pull up chairs all around me...we package things in our school room....they have a little table that we made where they put things in bags for me and I tie everything up and get it ready to ship."~Anniepoo's Her family, like us and many others, also homeschool our children. Which allows for many daily learning opportunities and great time flexibility.
gSakura's Home-School/Sewing Area - gSakura
Keeping them busy Giving little ones small jobs related to your shop, like stamping tags, cutting lengths of string, ect. & the bigger they get, the more detailed work they can handle, learning to use a sewing machine and html have been a successful part of our curriculum. For us the key is inclusion, because they are involved, they respect the time needed for me to get work done and they all pitch in to help out where it is needed, also by involving them, they are getting a first hand lesson at being entrepreneurs. This is paving a way for a strong work ethic and proof that you can follow your dreams and really do what you love for a living.These everyday lessons are apparent in many of our children already being very creative themselves, appreciating the work that goes into a hand made object and actually living a hand made life.
For all of these reasons, it is more than worth any sacrifices that are made.I try and savor the precious moments that I am allowed to be in their presence, teaching them, laughing with them. It will not last forever...these years will fly by, I tell myself."Keep your children your priority, and remind yourself daily of how blessed you are to have them, even when they're making your day difficult."~The Mayberry Sparrow So the next time you find yourself being whisked away from your work, take a moment to pause and look into their little faces,remembering why you are working so hard & Enjoy time they are here with you.
Reported, Researched and Stressed About by:
Georgia Sakura
Children & Art Resources for the Budding Child Artist
City Guide for Parents Homemade Art supplies
the Switchboards Forum
You may view this article in its rightful home over at the very Fine, Etsy's own
Personal Note:
I would love to give a very big THANKS,
to all of you wonderful d sweet etsy moms, that kindly participated in the interviewing, and general inspiration for this piece, I dedicate it to everyone of you,
Each of your stories are incredible and utterly heartwarming examples of the true definition of the Balancing Act, of Motherhood and Etsy.
And a very special thank you goes out to the sweet Michelle & the team over at the Storque, for giving me this awesome opportunity to do this article, and especially Michelle for all your great tips and wonderful editing expertise~
Merci Beaucoup
georgia sakura
Monday, July 28, 2008
Balancing Motherhood & Etsy
Sunday, July 27, 2008
oh how i have missed rambling off you might have noticed of late
i have gone missing from these pages...hmmm the mystery...the intrigue...
the house full of sick children that need me...
and yes i made that up.
i have officially determined that i have found the hardest part about being a mother.
the pit in your stomach and worried mind you have when they aren't well..sigh.. :(
(they are slowly recovering abet not without raspy coughs,
lets see, where did i leave off?
oh i know there was that little article i was consumed with for two weeks...
and it turned out just grand,
you may read it in its rightful home amongst all the other labored after lovely Storque articles here:Balancing Motherhood and Etsy
(incidentally i will be posting it next in its entirety)
The only thing that has made me sad, has been the fact that i literally could only fit in the article, so many of the absolutely wonderful quotes from the many,many etsy moms
interviews i received. I feel so bad and the only way i can make it up to them all
is to start another blog, devoted to the subject
where i will be asking for volunteers to republish their interviews, as well as feature them and hopefully persuade them to do a week of guest blogging...
I am excited about the idea, now i just need to find the time to actually set it up.
You see i am writing this amid a rather
urned upside down house/studio/businesses headquarters,
that's what missing 2-3 solid weeks from work will do to you,
handling Sushi & Japanese Markets' back-orders alone has been something of a feat for me. Patience, is all i ask of everyone..things will smooth out over here soon(i hope).
During all this whirlwind of tissues, cough syrup, cuddles and calming...I did manage the exciting expansion of the shop into Three...yes you heard right folks, now you can find the most lovingly made, delicate curio & feminine trappings in three different etsy shops!
I am so very happy i decided to go through with the move,
for now i am as motivated as a jet engine,
so without further ado i give you ~
the Sparrows Nest

here you will find all of my little adornments, romantic and delicate fare, needlework and some nature inspired art
Georgia Griego Fine Art

all of my Original Art; paintings, drawings and soon pottery
and my old faithful, Sakura, which is now
Sakura Originals

where i am featuring all of my purses, purselets, pouches, and original designed bags.
Do take a moment and visit us there, I would just adore you to offer any feedback, i am all about improvement! and for your trouble and because you visit me here and listen to me go on about fabric and can enjoy either free shipping or 10% off your order total, just mention the blog in the comments section at check out, and i'll hook you up!
I wasn't able due to some unusual circumstances to give you that sneak peek I promised, but I do still want to share my favorite sweetlings that now happily reside in their respective shops:
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
bee...I hope you have been good and
enjoyed your fourth of July
celebrations...I am in the final
stage of the Etsy's Storque article
I am writing about Balancing
Motherhood and Etsy.
etsy moms, but it has rekindled the spark I had in high school to write
professionally, I wrote for the school newspaper and seriously contemplated a life in journalism
for a little while...I soon discovered I am far to wildly creative for that world and my
writing took a turn toward poetry, but it has seemed to come full circle with this assignment,
I am so very passionate about.I know that this is only a beginning
of this type of work for me, I will happily, actively purse this type of work from here on out.
In other great etsy news,the original pen & ink drawing
in the most lovely of treasuries all
about flowers, it has been
wonderfully curated by lahua, who obviously loves flowers as much
as I do..Thank You lahua ..You can via the treasury here:
Well, after this wild ride of the article is settled, I will be turning my attention back to the
unveiling of two new Etsy shops,which will be debuting with the many many
show them all to you, and because you are so sweet, I will choose some of my absolute favorites and offer them here on the blog before I go live with the shop opening...allowing you to acquire
these limited editions before they are even introduced to the etsy world.There are no reproductions in this line, every piece I have created is
a True One Of A Kind Gem-----

Well I'm off to format the article for submission tomorrow, if all goes well, Friday if it doesn't.:)Happy Wednesday Evening~
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Prairie Barn ~ Original Oil Painting Georgia Sakura circa 2001
Happy Saturday my friends~
I wanted to pop in and say a big 'ol
to all the amazing responses I had for the call to interview for the Storque.
I was completely astounded at the quantity of people that have graciously shared their personal thoughts and comments with me.It is so very inspiring.
I am still going over all of the interviews & I continue to write the article, I am just starting to work on the layout, as I have had some really wonderful pictures submitted already!
I think this article will give the world a peek inside of a very special type of way of living.
I am so excited & I never imagined it would be this fun, only because I have had a chance to get to know so many wonderfully talented etsy moms along the way.
Mesmerized and utterly zoned out at the fabric shop last night...
I have acquired some very unique and beautiful fabrics and trimmings, as well as some tools and embroidery threads of the most subtle and sorbet like pallet, I simply can not wait to get started making things with them, I seriously have a problem, I have way too many ideas and not enough time in the day to get to creating them.SIGH.
One more obsession...
I recently realized whilst getting an order ready for a recent sale I had on etsy..
(Thank You k...I am much obliged) that I get way too into creating these special hand made gift packages for every order, It usually takes me the remainder of the night to make all the little extras I've been including with their purchases, I just love surprising people with pretty things...
I am way to sentimental sometimes.
Latest Mission...
I have been on the lookout for a really great cleanser, moisterizer and serum or ridiculously heavy cream. something wonky is happening with my skin lately, and it has given me an excuse to switch my products up ,so I would love to try something handmade, problem is I just don't know which one to choose!So do any of you have a favorite (preferably natural based) skin care products that you are using, that you love..that also came from someone indi or that sells on etsy? I would like to support small craftsmen/women with as many of my purchases as possible.
I would really appreciate any suggestions that help me wade through the oh soo may choices out there. ? . :)
Well its back to the article, and sewing and embroidering, and maybe some pen & ink later??
we'll see....
Take Care and take a moment to say hi,
it really makes my day to hear from you, really.
Have a great weekend
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The other thing that was really cool...I attended the 2008 Cave Creek Film & Arts Festival Poetry Reading on Sunday, and read my original poem, in front of a packed room/coffee shop. It was a wonderful event, and there were so many talented writers present. The really great thing that happened was when it was my turn, and Carol Perry creative writing chair~ called my name, my two children followed me up on stage, unbeknownst to me, I was tipped off when I passed her and she said "oh there's three of you", I turned and there my two oldest stood on stage with me!, I went to them and told them that "I think I have to do this alone sweeties, go on and sit back down.."

You saw me in peachy shade and chased me from tree to tree
Later, when our families went back to picking, you found a good one
And hid it in our trouser pocket
You tossed it gracefully into the air
Telling me a funny story
Looking straight at me
Peachy fiddling
You made me wonder if you’ve meant that peach for me
“Might that be for me?” I coyly ask
Its sweet nectar shine on my chin
It’s juices gathering at the bottom of my warm sticky lips
The sun must have glistened through the leaves
On that warm day
And made me shimmer for your hungry eyes
Cause you leaned in
Warm peachy breath
And kissed me
I swelled inside
Like the peaches
Bulging on the trees
~ georgia sakura