Hi there, I have been meaning to come in and update you on all the exciting happenings here at Studio Sakura, and I finally managed a few moments to do so...
Well the best and biggest news by far is that the Michelle & Lovely Ladies of the Storque, contacted me on Friday, with the awesome opportunity to write an article that I pitched a few months ago, about managing running a etsy business while raising our children.
I had started a forum thread in May about the subject and there were some really wonderful posts, you can view the thread here.
Soo I am busy working on the said article, and still managing to sew up some of the cute and totally functional Lil felted pouches, I will have a nice bakers dozen ready at shop update time, which, because of my new and latest mission will be pushed back a wee bit. I need all my brain power focused on this article, as it is so very important to me, not only because it is a wonderful opportunity, but because it is a issue near and dear to my heart.
Call for Interviews~ all you devoted etsy moms
I would love to hear from you, if you would like to contribute any comments and or maybe be available to give a short interview about the subject, please contact me if your interested, either by leaving a comment below or through etsy convo, or via email, and I will be in touch with you soon.
The article will be running in the next issue of the Storque in Mid July.
The other thing that was really cool...I attended the 2008 Cave Creek Film & Arts Festival Poetry Reading on Sunday, and read my original poem, in front of a packed room/coffee shop. It was a wonderful event, and there were so many talented writers present. The really great thing that happened was when it was my turn, and Carol Perry creative writing chair~ called my name, my two children followed me up on stage, unbeknownst to me, I was tipped off when I passed her and she said "oh there's three of you", I turned and there my two oldest stood on stage with me!, I went to them and told them that "I think I have to do this alone sweeties, go on and sit back down.."
Everyone laughed which actually helped me break my nervousness..so I read me poem under the glaring bright lights and after the applause made my way back to sit down with two very embarrassed little kids, I gave them a hug and kiss and told them it was alright. My husband and the two little ones were hanging out in the front room of the coffee shop, and occasionally we could hear the baby and his loud baby talk and shrieks during a few readings..The only thing I would have done differently was not drink a double espresso and a double iced latte before my reading, I was so wired I almost bounced off the stage, and I really don't recall the actual reading except for my trying to not read too fast!All and all it was a fabulous experience for me and the kids,One I will always cherish..
This is the poem I read:

You saw me in peachy shade and chased me from tree to tree
You saw me in peachy shade and chased me from tree to tree
Later, when our families went back to picking, you found a good one
And hid it in our trouser pocket
You tossed it gracefully into the air
Telling me a funny story
Looking straight at me
Peachy fiddling
You made me wonder if you’ve meant that peach for me
“Might that be for me?” I coyly ask
Its sweet nectar shine on my chin
It’s juices gathering at the bottom of my warm sticky lips
The sun must have glistened through the leaves
On that warm day
And made me shimmer for your hungry eyes
Cause you leaned in
Warm peachy breath
And kissed me
I swelled inside
Like the peaches
Bulging on the trees
~ georgia sakura
I hope your summer is starting off to be a wonderful one, I am doubly excited to launch my new etsy shops and to unveil all of the unique and pretty hand made sweetlings that I have been working so hard on for the past month... If I find some time in the next few days, I will give you a sneek peek~
Until then, I encourage you to get in touch with me if you would like to be a part of the article, I will only be conducting interviews for the next few days here.
Otherwise leave a comment just to say hi !
I love your peachy poem. It reminds me of another poem, long ago, by Robert Bly. (just a bit). I was published a very long time ago, and still remember reading my poetry out loud at coffee shops, etc.
anyway, I am a Mom of teenage boys, and might have some - perhaps - funny insights into working, running a business, and raising kids.
Especially now that my oldest has his drivers permit. SIGH
Hi Georgia
I'm a mum and print designer based in london if you were looking for non US etsy folk to interview
Love your blog and what a lovely poem to have read (you are very brave!)
Thank You for your comments ladies..
I am looking forward to hearing both of your responses!
georgia sakura
I loved the poem too! sweet site!
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