Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
whew! these weeks are flying fluttering away so fast, aren't they?
I am so very busy here at my little studio in the desert.
I am hand sewing, machine sewing, working with polymer clay, painting pen & ink and lots of designing.
All in preparation for the much anticipated shop update late next week.
I have happily sent out two orders with much love and extra goodies from the shop as well as some original exclusives...thank you both, you sweeties..I hope you adore your sweetlings...:)
I took a drive past the deserty mountains and cactus to visit with my parents a couple of days ago, I brought homemade cinnamon rolls..
we had a lovely time talking about how i now understand so much more of why they did or didn't do things when we were little, now that I am a parent I understand and relate more to them, I am glad I have the chance to express my respect for the great job they did raising us 7 kids.
I left with many new wrinkles from laugh lines I'm sure and bags of grandma goodies. I gave her the little pouch Santa Fe, from my shop..she loved it. They have always been so supportive in my creative endeavors, they would bring us beads from the Indian reservations, growing up in New Mexico, and since they run a business involving sewing construction gear and accessories, gave me my first job sewing, which taught me everything I know about the craft.
Oh la la la~
In Preparation to Spoon...
And no I don't mean the incomparable Jimmy Whitherspoon for all you hipsters out there, im talking about the radically killer cool new biz and website Spoonflower
I recently was granted a gracious invitation, to design and order my own FaBrIc !!
How cool is that?!?
I bet you can hear my sketch pad and pen smoking with activity from your screen huh?
I have a few ideas...try more like 50 ideas for new fabric, and oh the possibilities for what I will in turn make from them...
Watch Out world here I come!
But seriously I AM very giddy about the prospect,(it has only been a dream to create my very own fabric)
But I am using it as a reward, if the next shop update does well, I will be able to afford the yards and fat quarters i am dreaming up, so call it a bribe....
Well peepz I am far far to anxious for the next update and must keep finishing all these sweetlings if i am to be done in time!
Next time I will take pictures along the way, so I can let you in on the processes involved..which to me is the best part, so let me know if that is something you would like to see here..
Also I would Love, absolutely adore if you were to pass along something for me to give a go at a special adornment or painting you've always wanted, but never seen, I'm always up for a challenge.
Talk to you sooner than later...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
greetings once again my cherry blossoms~the night fall finds me once again working on a variety of projects all
at once, I put the finishing touches on a wee wonderful bolete
mushroom, which I started late last night,
I woke this morning at 5:15 with the scent of a new day calling me from
a small open window, I snuck outside and while I sipped a ginger peach
White tea penned this poem;
greeting the day
I opened the door on to
a world of its own
a fresh new scent lingered
in the cool still air
groups of birds flocked to & fro
four, two, one, and calling ones
on the ground, their songs
overlapped- a chorus to the dawn
the grey of the morning slowly
gave way to the light
sounds of people began to drown out
the birds, the tons of speeding automobiles
bustling to work
the trail of ants by my feet
first moved slow
as the light brightened
faster they went, as their work day
too had begun
I sipped my cooling tea
hoping to slow it all for
a moment 2-or-3
~ georgia sakura
In shop News
I was super ecstatic to sell the two of my favorite Victorian Lace Wraps
in the shop today~ thank You Martha, your a sweet, sweet soul :)
I am a buzzzing bee buzzying around the studio, needle glides through
fabric seemingly on its own accord, I can hardly contain the flow of new
ideas and the challenge of expressing the textural and emotional vision
onto 2-D materials is a challenge, one that keeps my mind fit and agile.
I am listening to either Straight up Classical or some serious early
blues, think Muddy, jhon Lee, the Wolf and Sonny Boy I, then I throw in
some Otis Redding, Ann Peebles and Al Green for good measure, and Top it
all off with a good dollop of some rare Charlie "Bird" Parker,
but the cherry has to be the well thought out laid back sound of the tenor horn of the incomparable Lester"Prez" very favorite of all..

I simply Can Not move past the masters of blues,jazz & soul in my music
choices, it has been thus for many, many years.
~ Excitement is starting to grow about this next shop update, i am going
all out this time, and I have so many new & different Sweetlings to share
with you, I simply can not wait !.!..^_^
I'm off Lil blossoms to organize my fabrics and such for the busy day of creating tomorrow..
sweet sweet day.xoxogeorgia
Monday, June 16, 2008

Well I'm off to sew, sew and start the first of a few new sweetlings for the shop update next week~I hope your night and morrow is filled with flowers, love, smiles and serenity...xoxo georgia
Saturday, June 14, 2008
News Flash: The Little Mushroom Graces the Front Page of Etsy ! People Around The Globe Stop and Smile !

I am one very inspired to make more Mushrooms - girl !
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Happy Happy Day! We are in a Beautiful Treasury !
I am so very happy...The Four Little Flowers
Is being featured in an Etsy Treasury Curated by sandisstuff, it is all about embroidery.. You can view it here:
Sakura in You Say Embroidery I Say...
Thank You Sandi ! >^_^<
Yippee !!! Hop... Skip... Jump...
I'm off to sew, sew, sew....
georgia sakura
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I am so happy to be back in the saddle, I was completely taken down by a migraine for the past few was not very fun :(
But I am happy to report that I survived. I have slowly started back into the swing of things, I have started a new embroidery piece, a tree not unlike the the one I sold in my etsy shop, this one is slightly bigger. I am also hand sewing a new little felt pouch, with another of my favorite fabrics that I have been saving.
After much deliberation on my part, I have decided to go ahead and open another couple of etsy shops. One will completely devoted to botanical and pampering goodies, which will be opening in early July, and the other a secret surprise, I will be posting clues before its launch. I decided on expanding because I simply have far too many concepts creeping into one shop, my focus is needing a fine tuning. I think it is the right thing, and I am already having fun coming up with expanded lines on a few pushed aside ideas I have had in the recent past.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sneak Peek Time....

These are Vintage Velvet Rings
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Camellia Sinensis
Camellia sinensis is the tea plant, the plant species whose leaves and leaf buds are used to produce tea. It is of the genus Camellia (Chinese: 茶花; pinyin: Cháhuā), a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae. White tea, green tea, oolong and black tea are all harvested from this species, but are processed differently to attain different levels of oxidation.
Whew!! The last two days have been a blur of thread, papers(wonderful hand made papers) colors purple, olive green, black, turquoise, brown...beads, felt, birds, laughter, music and really good food.I have been busy with my hands again, making a few new sweetlings for my shop update tomorrow, I have had much fun and serenity making them, I hope they find a new home where they will be as loved as much as I poured my own love into making them, does that make sense?...I must apologize in advance, for it is growing late, and my eyes are blurry from staring at row after row of the littlest perfect stitches, all day...:)
These days are quite lovely indeed~
I think I will begin to share with you my favorite teas that I am drinking, once and a while...I am in the paused stage of building my Tea shop, I am hand coding it, or shall I say was, hand coding, until I was bitten by the etsy bug.But lo one day soon I will resume ..oh you pushed aside tea shop...But anyway, I have been so very fortunate and appropriately so, tasting teas from a plethora of wonderful tea companies, for the last few months, so boy do I have some favorite teas!Ok, so for the last few days, I have been consuming the most wonderful Japanese Green Teas, especially their Seneca, from a family owned, grower, named SA, I have been meaning to list it for sale at Sushi & Japanese Market..(that etsy bug again) but if any of you would like to purchase some and become hopelessly addicted, as I have, let me know and I will actually do something non etsy and list their teas at Sushi & Japanese Market for you.^_^Well I could keep going, as you probably could start to tell, I can be quite a chatterbox, sometimes ;0
But as my hands and eyes are beginning to tingle from overuse, I must call it a night and go byebye...But I will be up bright and early (ok, in reality as late as I possibly can) to take photos and list the new sweetlings in the Sakura etsy shop, so do drop in and take a peek won't you?Good Night