Wednesday, June 18, 2008

greetings once again my cherry blossoms~the night fall finds me once again working on a variety of projects all
at once, I put the finishing touches on a wee wonderful bolete
mushroom, which I started late last night,
I woke this morning at 5:15 with the scent of a new day calling me from
a small open window, I snuck outside and while I sipped a ginger peach
White tea penned this poem;

greeting the day

I opened the door on to

a world of its own

a fresh new scent lingered

in the cool still air

groups of birds flocked to & fro

four, two, one, and calling ones

on the ground, their songs

overlapped- a chorus to the dawn

the grey of the morning slowly

gave way to the light

sounds of people began to drown out

the birds, the tons of speeding automobiles

bustling to work

the trail of ants by my feet

first moved slow

as the light brightened

faster they went, as their work day

too had begun

I sipped my cooling tea

hoping to slow it all for

a moment 2-or-3
~ georgia sakura


In shop News
I was super ecstatic to sell the two of my favorite Victorian Lace Wraps
in the shop today~ thank You Martha, your a sweet, sweet soul :)

I am a buzzzing bee buzzying around the studio, needle glides through
fabric seemingly on its own accord, I can hardly contain the flow of new
ideas and the challenge of expressing the textural and emotional vision
onto 2-D materials is a challenge, one that keeps my mind fit and agile.

I am listening to either Straight up Classical or some serious early
blues, think Muddy, jhon Lee, the Wolf and Sonny Boy I, then I throw in
some Otis Redding, Ann Peebles and Al Green for good measure, and Top it
all off with a good dollop of some rare Charlie "Bird" Parker,

but the cherry has to be the well thought out laid back sound of the tenor horn of the incomparable Lester"Prez" very favorite of all..

I simply Can Not move past the masters of blues,jazz & soul in my music
choices, it has been thus for many, many years.


~ Excitement is starting to grow about this next shop update, i am going
all out this time, and I have so many new & different Sweetlings to share
with you, I simply can not wait !.!..^_^

I'm off Lil blossoms to organize my fabrics and such for the busy day of creating tomorrow..
sweet sweet day.xoxogeorgia

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